If a mole appears on the site, immediate action must be taken.
This little animal can cause enormous damage to your property.
We tell you why moles appear on your property and how to get rid of them.

What attracts moles to the site
Firstly, moles are found in areas with good soil, abundant with worms and insects.
Secondly, often the summer residents themselves are to blame for the appearance of moles, fencing their plots with solid fences.
In this way, you prevent the natural enemies of moles – dogs, cats, foxes – from entering the area.
Moles also often appear in areas surrounded by dense plants.
In addition, loosening the soil creates conditions for the appearance of moles.
It increases the number of worms, which in turn attracts moles.
In addition, moles can be attracted by the addition of organic fertilizers to the soil.
If moles have appeared recently, pouring water into the burrows may help.
Secondly, you can place poisonous baits in the holes. However, you should keep in mind that domestic animals can eat them.
You can also install mole traps or noise/ultrasonic repellents.