What to do to get rid of moles: effective methods of control

20.06.2024 14:15

Moles can be a real problem for gardeners and homestead owners.

These little diggers dig tunnels and damage the root system of plants, which leads to deterioration of the condition of lawns and flower beds.

How can you get rid of moles and restore your garden to a well-groomed appearance?

Biological methods: using natural enemies

One of the most natural ways to get rid of moles is to attract their natural enemies to your property.

The main predators of moles are owls, foxes and hedgehogs. To attract owls, special nesting houses can be installed in trees.

a mole
Photo: Pixabay

Foxes and hedgehogs, in turn, often live in suburban areas and forest plantations, so creating comfortable living conditions for them on the site will also be useful.

Mechanical methods: traps and barriers

Mechanical methods of mole control include installing various traps and barriers.

The most common are traps-pitfalls, which are installed in mole tunnels.

It is important to choose the right location and set the trap for it to be effective.

Mesh barriers buried in the ground around the perimeter of the property can prevent moles from entering the area.

The net should be buried to a depth of at least 50 cm and bent outwards so that moles cannot get around the obstacle.

Acoustic methods: ultrasonic repellents

Ultrasonic repellers are modern devices that produce sounds that are unpleasant for moles, but inaudible to humans.

These devices are battery or solar powered and are installed directly into the ground.

Ultrasonic waves spread over a certain distance, creating uncomfortable living conditions for moles.

It is important to choose the right power and range of the device so that it covers the entire problem area.

Chemical methods: repellents and poisons

The use of chemicals is a radical method of combating moles.

Repellents such as castor oil or special granules repel moles with their smell and taste. These substances are added to the soil and create an unpleasant environment for moles.

However, if repellents do not help, poisons can be used. It is important to remember that poisons can be dangerous for pets and other inhabitants of the site, so they should be used with caution and strictly according to the instructions.

Folk methods: time-tested remedies

Folk methods of combating moles include the use of various herbal and home remedies.

One popular method is to use garlic and onions. Their smell irritates moles and makes them leave the area.

You can also use decoctions of plants with a strong smell, such as bird cherry or wormwood.

These decoctions are poured into mole tunnels, which causes discomfort to the moles and forces them to look for a new place to live.

Changing the site: creating unbearable conditions

Creating unbearable conditions for moles on your property can be an effective method of control.

Moles prefer loose, moist soil, so regularly compacting the soil and reducing humidity can deter them.

To achieve this, it is recommended to regularly compact the lawn and flower beds, as well as control the watering of plants.

Decreased soil moisture makes it less attractive to moles, and they will be forced to leave the area in search of more comfortable conditions.

Preventative measures: how to avoid moles

Preventative measures are an important part of mole control.

Install mesh barriers around the area to prevent moles from entering from neighboring areas.

Check the area regularly for new mole holes and take steps to eliminate them.

You can also plant mole-repellent plants in your area, such as daffodils or marigolds.

These plants will not only decorate your garden, but will also create unbearable living conditions for moles.

Natural Smells: Using Fragrances

Certain odors naturally repel moles. Using peppermint or lavender essential oils can make moles uncomfortable.

These oils can be diluted with water and sprayed over the area or special scented sticks can be used.

You can also sprinkle coffee grounds or tobacco dust over the area, the smell of which is also unpleasant for moles.

Keeping it Clean: Removing Food

Moles are attracted to the areas not only by favorable soil, but also by the presence of food. The main diet of moles is earthworms and various insects.

To reduce the population of these organisms, it is recommended to regularly aerate the soil and treat it with insecticides.

Not only will this reduce the amount of food available to moles, but it will also improve the overall health of your property.

Earlier we talked about what needs to be done to make the apricot tree bear fruit.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Biological methods: using natural enemies
  2. Mechanical methods: traps and barriers
  3. Acoustic methods: ultrasonic repellents
  4. Chemical methods: repellents and poisons
  5. Folk methods: time-tested remedies
  6. Changing the site: creating unbearable conditions
  7. Preventative measures: how to avoid moles
  8. Natural Smells: Using Fragrances
  9. Keeping it Clean: Removing Food