Those who drink 3 to 5 cups of black tea every day have an 11% lower risk of premature death than those who drink other beverages.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news tea black tea benefit Beauty and health 29 January 2025Retired soldier Canistus Kunge, 62, from Sri Lanka, underwent surgery to remove kidney stones.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records operation Records and anti-records 26 November 2024The world's largest kidney stone measures 13.37 cm in length and 10.55 cm in width.
Elena Shimanovskaya record operation Records and anti-records 23 June 2024Not everyone knows what dietary rules should be followed if they have kidney problems.
Marina Michalap proper nutrition Dietitian's advice Diets 30 May 2024Not everyone knows what foods should be excluded from the diet if you have kidney problems.
Marina Michalap proper nutrition nutrition tips Beauty and health 29 May 2024The animal's organ was transplanted into a 62-year-old man who was diagnosed with terminal kidney disease.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news USA doctors transplantation US News Beauty and health 22 March 2024