US resident Donald Gorski is a real fast food record holder.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records burger food Records and anti-records 19 November 2024The record for the most expensive hamburger (single serving) was set by Robbert Jan de Veen in June 2021.
Elena Shimanovskaya dish record Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 24 June 2024Completely giving up fast food is not a prerequisite for getting rid of excess weight.
Kurchev Anton fast food weight loss diets and nutrition diet Diets 17 May 2024Not everyone knows what kind of hamburgers cost several thousand dollars and what causes such a high cost.
Marina Michalap records Guinness Book of Records fast food food Records and anti-records 23 November 2023A juicy homemade burger will almost always be better than the one made in the fast food chains of the same name.
Dmitry Liskovich cutlets burger cooking Useful tips 3 November 2023