Professionals working in the field of stylish design often encounter interior design techniques that can be considered outdated.
Elena Shimanovskaya lamps Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 7 July 2023The choice of cornices should be approached with particular care, since the impression of the room formed by people who have been there depends on them, among other things.
Elena Shimanovskaya curtains apartment house Designer's tips Design and interior 23 June 2023Glass coffee tables were once extremely popular - they were present in various photographs of modern and fashionable houses, so it is not surprising that many people wanted to buy them.
Elena Shimanovskaya glass furniture material design Design and interior 23 June 2023Not all carpets are equally useful, to paraphrase a well-known expression, one can say about this interior element.
Elena Shimanovskaya carpet style Designer's tips Design and interior 22 June 2023Just a few wrong actions can ruin your efforts to create a stylish and modern interior.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment house design Interior mistakes Designer's tips Design and interior 22 June 2023A square coffee table can look very stylish, especially if its design and the material it is made from match the aesthetics of your room.
Elena Shimanovskaya furniture Interior design board Design and interior 19 June 2023It is not without reason that the kitchen is called the heart of the home. It is where the family meets, where the most heartfelt conversations take place, and where holidays are held.
Sergey Tumanov kitchen design Interior style Designer's tips Design and interior 17 June 2023Interior fashion does not stand still, and while some apartment owners keep up with the times, others prefer to remain faithful to things “with history”.
Elena Shimanovskaya taste Interior apartment house Designer's tips Design and interior 12 June 2023The bedroom is the place where every person spends at least 6 hours a day.
Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom bed Designer's tips Interior Design and interior 15 May 2023To paraphrase a well-known expression, we can safely say that not all sofas are equally useful. For your interior, of course.
Elena Shimanovskaya sofa furniture living room Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 12 May 2023If you want to create a stylish interior that literally keeps up with the times, there are some ideas that you should abandon.
Elena Shimanovskaya repair style Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 21 April 2023It is simply impossible to create a modern and stylish interior using outdated furniture.
Elena Shimanovskaya furniture sofa Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 16 April 2023Any apartment owner who is planning a renovation probably wants to create an interior that will serve faithfully for a long time, remaining relevant and attractive throughout this period.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 14 April 2023Some interior items make the apartment tasteless and outdated.
Elena Shimanovskaya sofa furniture skin Designer's tips Interior Design and interior 13 April 2023Interior design trends are changing at the speed of light.
Elena Shimanovskaya curtains fashion Interior Designer's tips Design and interior 12 April 2023The years go by, which means that trends that were at the peak of popularity just a couple of years ago are no longer relevant.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment house Interior error Designer's tips Design and interior 10 April 2023