How do you store cheese? Do you leave the product in the film it was sold in? Know: you are making a grave mistake.
Kurchev Anton food products the rules material tips for housewives Useful tips 21 December 2024The sugar will absorb excess moisture and the cheese will not become moldy.
Timur Khomichev cheese sugar storage Useful tips 8 November 2024To save money, many housewives buy cheese in bulk on special offer. In addition, sometimes there is a small piece of uneaten cheese or the remains of a cheese plate after a feast left in the refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya cheese mold culinary tricks Cooking 12 September 2024Sugar has a very interesting “ability” - to absorb excess moisture.
Kurchev Anton sugar life hacks food products household tricks Useful tips 26 August 2024We tell you what to put next to cheese so that it doesn’t become moldy.
Timur Khomichev cheese sugar Useful tips 25 January 2024Many housewives strive to preserve food products for as long as possible.
Dmitry Liskovich cheese storage refrigerator Useful tips 11 December 2023