Reasons why a cat may start shedding constantly, and what to do in such a case.
Igor Zur shedding cat health useful tips and life hacks cat care Pets 12 January 2024The main reasons that make a cat lie down at your feet are that sometimes animals do this out of respect for a person.
Igor Zur cats cat behavior Cat Habits pets Pets 11 January 2024It is a good sign if a black cat or male cat comes to your home - you need to give it shelter.
Igor Zur cat fur signs about money positive energy facts about cats Pets 10 January 2024Domestic cats living outdoors do not have the skills to survive in the wild and can die faster in winter than stray animals.
Igor Zur pets vet for cat cat health winter Pets 9 January 2024It is not recommended to mix dry and wet food in one bowl, and that’s not all the nuances.
Igor Zur cat food diet caring for cats pets Pets 9 January 2024Not everyone knows how to choose the right nickname for a kitten.
Marina Michalap alias how to choose a nickname nickname for a kitten Pets 4 January 2024If a cat gets bored, it will start to misbehave, lick itself, or demand attention.
Igor Zur cats facts about cats cat behavior board Pets 3 January 2024Cats can behave in a variety of ways, but sometimes it is completely unclear why they change their habits.
Dmitry Liskovich cat behavior blanket cat behavior Pets 3 January 2024The Five Things Cats Love Most in Life - You Don't Even Have to Buy Anything
Igor Zur cat behavior pets animal care useful tips and life hacks Pets 3 January 2024During the warmer months, some cats are happy to go outside, especially those who live in villages.
Dmitry Liskovich cat urine cleaning how to take care of a cat Pets 26 December 2023Cats make their owners feel better - you have to pay them back in kind.
Igor Zur cat health vet for cat longevity of cats useful tips and life hacks Pets 22 December 2023Experts have explained how you shouldn’t treat cats on New Year’s Eve.
Igor Zur cat behavior New Year useful tips and life hacks Pets 21 December 2023Sometimes it seems that cats are not afraid of anything - they often defend themselves until their last breath.
Dmitry Liskovich cat fear behavior cat behavior Pets 21 December 2023How many times a day should you play with kittens, adult cats, and older pets?
Igor Zur cat behavior vet for cat useful tips and life hacks pets Pets 20 December 2023Why does a cat have insomnia at night and what prevents her from falling asleep - it's not just about food and attention.
Igor Zur cat behavior board facts about cats cat food Pets 20 December 2023A veterinarian spoke about the main danger for a cat at a New Year tree.
Igor Zur cat behavior New Year's decorations danger vet for cat Pets 19 December 2023After you step on a cat's tail or paw, you don't need to grab it in your arms, kiss it, and ask for forgiveness.
Igor Zur cat behavior facts about cats pets board Pets 19 December 2023Scientists have found that cats can fetch objects like dogs, but their interest in this game quickly fades.
Igor Zur cat behavior facts about cats scientists research Pets 18 December 2023Experts have explained why cats are so interested in their owners' armpits.
Igor Zur cat behavior facts about cats pets smells Pets 15 December 2023What cats' sleeping positions can tell us about anxiety, comfort and a thirst for entertainment.
Igor Zur cat behavior facts about cats Cat Habits pets Pets 14 December 2023