Cats delight their owners even when they sleep. Sometimes they take such mysterious poses that it is difficult to figure out.
In the human world, it is believed that each position of a cat in a dream means something. In other words, the animal's pose is a kind of body language.
Experts have revealed what interesting things a sleeping pet can tell us.

Curled up
This is how animals sleep in the wild. This protects vulnerable areas and preserves body heat.
It is believed that a cat curls up before a cold snap. But perhaps someone forgot to close a window in the apartment or there is a draft somewhere.
In the box
Cats love to sleep in different shelters - boxes and crates, even in bags.
Most likely, the pet is looking for a safe or secluded place. Maybe the cat is sick, or someone has offended it.
On the back
The most curious pose is when cats stretch out on their backs, sticking their stomachs up.
Considering that the abdomen is considered the most vulnerable part of the body, we can talk about comfortable conditions.
Most likely, your pet is happy with everything and feels completely safe.
On the stomach, with paws tucked in
Usually in this position cats look gloomy and wary. In fact, they are not sleeping, but just dozing.
The pose indicates that the animal is ready to react to the slightest change in the situation. For example, to jump up and run away to eat, having heard rustling in the kitchen, or to run to meet the owner at the door.
On the side
In this position cats sleep the deepest sleep. They may not even react to anything.
And lastly, if your pet sleeps in some unimaginable position that cannot be described, then this is a sign of relaxation and thirst for entertainment.
Earlier we talked about whether it is worth trimming your cat’s claws if it is damaging furniture.