Experts have named three common mistakes owners make that shorten a cat's life.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat health mistakes board Pets 5 January 2024Experts believe that a cat can be taken to the vet just because it starts hiding from its owner.
Igor Zur cats cat behavior cat diseases board Pets 4 January 2024Cats make their owners feel better - you have to pay them back in kind.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat health longevity of cats useful tips and life hacks Pets 22 December 2023How many times a day should you play with kittens, adult cats, and older pets?
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat behavior useful tips and life hacks pets Pets 20 December 2023A veterinarian spoke about the main danger for a cat at a New Year tree.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat in the apartment New Year's decorations danger Pets 19 December 2023A veterinarian named the main criteria that a cat litter tray must meet.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat behavior board pets Pets 14 December 2023The veterinarian explained what needs to be done after the cat returns from a walk and what infections the pet should be vaccinated against.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat health vaccination board Pets 13 December 2023Experts say laser pointers are harmful to cats - a real disappointment.
Igor Zur games for cat cat behavior facts about cats mistakes Pets 11 December 2023If you notice that your pet has become lethargic and tries to hide somewhere, this is a sign that you need to visit a doctor.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats disease signs the cat got sick Pets 7 December 2023You can give milk to a cat, but only occasionally.
Igor Zur milk cat cat food Pets 27 November 2023Objects that are dangerous for cats and that are found in every apartment should be put away.
Igor Zur cat cat in the apartment Pets 27 November 2023