We are talking about bay leaves and mint.
Kurchev Anton potato bay leaf mint advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 December 2024Don't want your potatoes to sprout during storage?
Elena Shimanovskaya potato apples Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 November 2024We tell you what to put in bags of potatoes to prevent sprouting.
Timur Khomichev potato Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 November 2024Even for those summer residents who grew excellent quality potatoes, collected and dried the crop in time to store it for the winter, some of the tubers may spoil.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes vegetable storage Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 November 2024In order not to overpay for potatoes in winter, when the price of this vegetable jumps significantly, many housewives prefer to stock up on potatoes in the fall.
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes funeral food products Cooking 20 September 2024We'll tell you what to store potatoes with to prevent them from sprouting.
Timur Khomichev potato storage apples Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 September 2024Frost, heat and rain can affect the development of the plant, so dry tops in August are not yet a sign of potato ripeness.
Igor Zur harvesting dacha in august tips for gardeners Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 August 2024Summer residents were reminded of a folk method that allows them to protect potatoes from spoilage during storage.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners folk recipes beet harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 August 2024Every housewife strives to preserve as much of the harvest as possible during the winter period, but this is not easy to do.
Dmitry Liskovich potato storage funeral potato harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 December 2023