Don't want your potatoes to sprout during storage?
Then follow the advice of experts and place certain products next to it.
According to potato storage professionals, it is best to store this vegetable together with apples – these two products are an excellent combination and extend each other’s shelf life.
Let's turn to science for evidence.
The thing is that during storage, apples release a natural gas called ethylene, which in turn affects potatoes in such a way that it slows down their ripening.
Thus, the problem of sprouting potatoes is solved.
Important: if you store other vegetables or fruits in the cellar besides potatoes and apples, you should not relax.
The thing is that the ethylene released by apples has the opposite effect on broccoli, onions, peaches and melon - as a result of such proximity, they will ripen even faster, which means they will spoil before the expected time.
For reference
Potato is a species of perennial tuberous herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum of the Solanaceae family.