Not everyone knows what bad habits for the figure can be formed in childhood, not without the help of parents.
Marina Michalap eating habits Advice to parents children's health Children 16 January 2024Not everyone knows what mistakes parents make that can cause a child to grow up to be a loser.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents parents and children Children 15 January 2024There are things that children do not forgive their parents even as they grow older, psychologists warn.
Timur Khomichev children and family parents children and parents raising children Children 8 January 2024Some mistakes made by parents can definitely ruin their relationship with their children.
Marina Michalap raising children Parents' mistakes child psychology Children 8 January 2024We talk about mistakes in parenting that can ruin the relationship between parents and children forever.
Timur Khomichev children and family parents children and parents raising children Love and Family 5 January 2024In order to raise a child correctly, you need to beware of three common mistakes.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents psychology Children 4 January 2024