In April, many summer residents already begin planting various crops.
Timur Khomichev lunar sowing calendar lunar sowing calendar for april lunar calendar of the gardener lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable growers Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 March 2024Summer residents were reminded about which vegetable and ornamental crops can be sown for seedlings in April.
Igor Zur home seedlings sowing advice for summer residents growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 March 2024We tell you what needs to be done at the dacha from March 18 to 24 according to the lunar calendar.
Timur Khomichev lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable growers lunar calendar for march Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 March 2024There is a day this week when you can sow and plant almost all crops, including apple and pear trees.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news gardener's lunar calendar plants seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 March 2024The growth and development of plants is influenced by many factors, including the phase of the moon.
Elena Shimanovskaya lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar garden and vegetable garden, dacha calendar and holidays Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2024The end of February is the ideal time to prepare for spring gardening work.
Timur Khomichev lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar lunar calendar for february lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable growers Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2024Summer residents were reminded of the best days for sowing pepper seedlings.
Igor Zur pepper seedlings tips for gardeners seed material pepper seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 February 2024Details were provided – about each specific day of the week – by the expert of the online publication “BelNovosti”, agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants work winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 February 2024We will tell you which days are best for planting these crops for seedlings according to the lunar calendar.
Timur Khomichev peppers eggplant pepper seedlings eggplant seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024Summer residents were reminded about the new moon - during these three February days you need to be careful when caring for plants.
Igor Zur seeds seedlings growing plants advice for summer residents new moon in february Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024We tell you when to plant tomato seedlings this month according to the lunar calendar.
Timur Khomichev tomatoes tomatoes tomato seedlings tomato seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 February 2024We tell you what and when to plant from February 5 to 11 according to the lunar calendar.
Timur Khomichev calendar lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable growers Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 February 2024We tell you what needs to be done at the dacha from January 22 to 28 according to the lunar calendar.
Timur Khomichev lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable growers country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 January 2024It is recommended to plan plantings in the garden, think about buying seeds, fertilizers, and necessary gardening tools.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news winter plants work Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2024We tell you what should be done at the dacha from January 8 to 14 according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and horticulturist.
Timur Khomichev now garden lunar calendar of the gardener gardener's lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 January 2024Why is it better to ferment cabbage on the waxing moon and when is the best time to do it in January.
Igor Zur sauerkraut making sauerkraut tips for housewives culinary mistakes Cooking 3 January 2024How to sow tomato seeds for seedlings correctly - a couple of important points.
Igor Zur seeds seedlings growing tomatoes seedlings at home advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 January 2024We'll tell you about favorable and unfavorable days for going to the hairdresser in December 2023.
Timur Khomichev haircut haircuts lunar calendar of haircuts hair Useful tips 10 December 2023We present to your attention the gardener's lunar calendar for December 11-17, which will tell you the most favorable days for work on the plot.
Timur Khomichev garden now calendar gardener's lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 December 2023We will tell you about favorable and unfavorable days for cabbage preparations in December 2023.
Timur Khomichev cabbage sauerkraut pickling cabbage blanks Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 December 2023