Not everyone knows why cats may meow constantly.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cat meowing cats Pets 6 February 2024Not everyone knows why cats may show interest in the table.
Marina Michalap cat behavior Cat Habits cats Pets 5 February 2024Not everyone knows why cats love heights so much.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cats and heights cats love heights Pets 1 February 2024A person who has decided to get a cat must prepare his home for the arrival of a pet.
Kurchev Anton cats apartment danger indoor plants Pets 1 February 2024It turns out that cats don't always hide their noses because of the coming cold weather - discomfort is to blame.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment weather signs pet cat behavior Pets 31 January 2024Not everyone knows why a cat can become too affectionate and even intrusive.
Marina Michalap cat behavior affectionate cat obsessive cat Pets 31 January 2024However, that “gesture” of the cat, which some owners take offense at, testifies, oddly enough, to the love and trust of the fluffy one towards its owner.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior Love trust Pets 31 January 2024Not everyone knows why cats can stare into space with interest.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cats and mysticism the cat stares into space Pets 30 January 2024Not everyone knows why our pets are so interested in catnip.
Marina Michalap catnip catnip for cats cats Pets 29 January 2024Sometimes we don't know that the signs of "cat love" are actually just manipulation.
Marina Michalap cat in the apartment cat behavior cat manipulation Pets 24 January 2024Not everyone knows why cats like to sleep at a person’s feet.
Marina Michalap cat behavior the cat sleeps at the feet Signs about cats Pets 19 January 2024Recently the cat was active and tried to interact with the owner more often, and now it hides? This is a clear cause for concern.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior the cat is hiding reasons Pets 19 January 2024Not everyone knows the signs that indicate that a cat is bored.
Marina Michalap cat in the apartment cat behavior the cat is bored Pets 18 January 2024Cats divide the people they live with in the same apartment into several types.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior People nature Pets 18 January 2024It's nice when the apartment smells like oranges or tangerines. But if there's a cat in the house, then a problem arises.
Kurchev Anton cats smell in the house citrus coffee Pets 17 January 2024Representatives of the rarest cat breeds have been named - what is special about them.
Igor Zur cats cat breeds pets interests and hobbies Pets 16 January 2024Not everyone knows why it is worth getting two cats instead of one.
Marina Michalap cats keeping cats cat behavior Pets 12 January 2024A cat with its tongue hanging out looks funny. But sometimes caring owners are not in the mood for laughing: they may suspect that something is wrong with their pet.
Kurchev Anton cats cat health the cat sticks out its tongue signs Pets 12 January 2024Not everyone knows why cats like to play around in the dark.
Marina Michalap cat behavior the cat is playing around the cat is naughty at night Pets 10 January 2024It is a good sign if a black cat or male cat comes to your home - you need to give it shelter.
Igor Zur cat fur cat in the apartment signs about money positive energy Pets 10 January 2024