Many have noticed that our pets love to be higher up.
So they can climb onto bookshelves and explore cabinets.
However, not everyone knows what this unusual habit of animals might be connected with.
Why do cats love heights?
Perfect viewing angle
It is important to remember that we live side by side with a real predator who tries to keep the issue of personal safety under control.
Even if potential enemies have never visited you, it is best to periodically inspect the surrounding area for their presence.
Privileged position
Experts urge us to remember that cats value themselves extremely highly and consider themselves smarter and more important than humans in most cases. In this case, height emphasizes the "royal" status of the animal.
If you have noticed a special attraction to your pet and constantly pester it, then the cat may well be hiding from you in the most inaccessible place.
Therefore, the animal climbs higher to get rid of the intrusive owner.
Earlier we talked about why the cat became intrusive .