Not everyone knows why experienced owners treat their cats' paws with butter.
Marina Michalap animals oil board life hacks Pets 17 August 2023The position of a cat's tail can tell a lot about its mood.
Kurchev Anton pets behavior danger board Pets 17 August 2023Not everyone knows why domestic cats may leave food in their bowls.
Marina Michalap animals science the facts nutrition Pets 16 August 2023It turns out that cats rub against legs not because they want to make contact with humans.
Kurchev Anton behavior People reasons board Pets 16 August 2023Some human foods can be very beneficial additions to a cat's diet.
Marina Michalap animals health science Pets 15 August 2023Some plants that grow in the country are incredibly dangerous for cats.
Marina Michalap animals plants science health Pets 14 August 2023Cats like silence. The absence of sharp sounds is a prerequisite for the pet's peaceful existence.
Kurchev Anton pets sound danger stress Pets 14 August 2023The furry creature's desire to hide may be explained not only by the desire to start hunting. Perhaps the pet itself is afraid of becoming prey for someone else.
Kurchev Anton pets behavior reasons board Pets 11 August 2023There is a simple way to ensure that plants stop attracting the attention of pets.
Kurchev Anton dogs pets plants protection Pets 11 August 2023There are many foods that are completely safe for humans, but toxic to pets.
Kurchev Anton pets diet danger chocolate garlic Pets 10 August 2023Water should enter the cat's body regularly and in sufficient quantities.
Kurchev Anton pets water problems health Pets 9 August 2023Many people want to have two pets at once - a cat and a dog. The problem is that these animals do not always get along together.
Kurchev Anton dogs pets attack problems Pets 8 August 2023Why do pets exhibit such dangerous behavior? The answer is simple: furry four-legged friends are natural-born hunters.
Kurchev Anton pets behavior danger reasons Pets 6 August 2023You can scare cats away from your property using very simple methods.
Marina Michalap garden country house animals board Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 August 2023The first pet may react negatively to the appearance of a “competitor”.
Kurchev Anton pets apartment friendship methods Pets 5 August 2023Not everyone knows why a cat might run around the house.
Marina Michalap animals science behavior board Pets 4 August 2023It is difficult to find a cat that ignores furniture and high objects.
Kurchev Anton pets behavior reasons board Pets 3 August 2023If you dream of a British cat, then you should first familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of this wonderful breed.
Marina Michalap animals board nature Pets 2 August 2023In some cases, there is no reason to worry. In other situations, the pet owner will have to take serious measures.
Kurchev Anton pets behavior language reasons Pets 2 August 2023How can you make a friendship truly strong? How can you make the relationship between owner and cat ideal?
Kurchev Anton pets friendship actions methods Pets 1 August 2023