One of the main tasks of a dog owner is to constantly assess the condition of his pet.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior signs Pets 23 August 2024Five reasons why a dog may twitch in his sleep - sometimes the problem can be solved with an active walk.
Igor Zur dog health Tips for dog owners vet for dog dog walking Pets 11 July 2024The doctor spoke about dangerous diseases that pets can bring into the house and share with people.
Igor Zur dog health cat health Tips for cat owners Tips for dog owners Pets 26 June 2024Five of the most difficult dog breeds to care for - some require special training.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners about dogs pets Pets 31 March 2024Veterinarians do not recommend getting the following 5 dog breeds - their health is not the strongest.
Igor Zur dog health veterinarian dog breeds pets Pets 26 February 2024Outdoor cats can be overly affectionate, especially when asking for food.
Dmitry Liskovich cat animals diseases Pets 10 January 2024