Latest news for March 17, 2023

Cotton swabs

Cotton swabs are products that are designed to clean the outer part of the ear.

Elena Gutyro board methods cleaning life hacks Useful tips

Do you want to complement the interior of your hallway or corridor with beautiful indoor plants?

Elena Gutyro flowers plants growing Garden and Vegetable Garden
Washing machine

White items are a wardrobe staple for any person. They look festive and allow you to create an ideal look for any event. However, over time, white material turns yellow and loses its presentable appearance.

Elena Gutyro washing things board life hacks Useful tips

We tell you why cats hiss and how to react to it correctly.

Timur Khomichev cat cats cats pets animals Pets

The juicy and tasty watermelon berry has long been a regular in Russian gardens. It can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions.

Elena Gutyro watermelon growing garden care watering Garden and Vegetable Garden
Couple, wedding

Needless to say, even in a seemingly innocent phrase women can see some kind of hint and then take offense at it. But what if a man says phrases that are simply impossible to understand normally?

Elena Gutyro relationship psychology women men Love and Family