Colleagues are those people who are close to you for at least 8 hours, 5 times a week, approximately 250 days a year.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship Colleagues novel work Love and Family 23 January 2025In some teams, corporate culture is quite developed, which is perceived as a minus by less sociable people.
Elena Shimanovskaya corporate work Colleagues People and Events 25 November 2024If your coworkers are hostile to you, all you can do is take care of yourself while ensuring that your productivity doesn't suffer.
Elena Shimanovskaya work toxicity People and Events 21 November 2024A new stage in life, connected with a previously unfamiliar group, is, without a doubt, very interesting, but no less scary, incomprehensible and disturbing.
Elena Shimanovskaya acquaintance People and Events 3 September 2024It can be difficult to fit in at a new job, especially when you're working with a large team.
Elena Shimanovskaya adaptation Colleagues People and Events 7 July 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate a toxic team.
Marina Michalap work career advice from psychologists People and Events 25 May 2024Changing jobs and joining a new team is a nerve-wracking experience. But to make the process easier and avoid panic in the future, you should follow four important rules in your first weeks at work.
Olga Kotova office work useful tips and life hacks board People and Events 27 February 2024The atmosphere in a team is very important, but sometimes it is not possible to establish communication quickly enough.
Dmitry Liskovich work office relationship Useful tips 16 January 2024