How to Understand That You Work in a Toxic Team: Experts Name 3 Signs

25.05.2024 12:30

Before hiring, we have no way to find out up-to-date and accurate information about the team.

It is unlikely that you will be told honestly and openly about the potential difficulties of the job during an interview.

Of course, the team plays a special role. You will have to spend a lot of time with colleagues, so you would like to surround yourself with pleasant people.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

What are the signs that your team is toxic?

Everyone is prone to overworking and doesn't see anything wrong with it.

Of course, loving your job and fulfilling your duties responsibly is commendable. However, it is worth understanding that overtime on a regular basis is not something normal and correct.

If you find yourself in such a team, then you too will have to work overtime: otherwise, everyone will think that you are just chilling out.

Everyone is "friends" against someone

Of course, many people can get bored at work. In this case, they start to come up with entertainment for themselves.

Sometimes the choice falls on intrigue and gossip.

This could seriously affect the overall atmosphere in the workplace, experts are sure.

Every man for himself

Of course, each person has his own personal responsibilities, which are undoubtedly a priority.

However, in a normal team, colleagues will come to the rescue if necessary. But in a toxic team, everyone will rejoice at the failure of their comrades.

Previously, we talked about what common habits bring nothing but problems .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the signs that your team is toxic?
  2. Everyone is prone to overworking and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
  3. Everyone is "friends" against someone
  4. Every man for himself

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