How a newcomer can fit into an established team: secrets of successful adaptation

07.07.2024 07:40

It can be difficult to fit in at a new job, especially when you're working with a large team.

However, some people fit into the team without any problems, while others are forced to struggle with the difficulties of adaptation that arise.

To understand this issue, it is first worth understanding what this adaptation is.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What is adaptation?

This term refers to adaptation – of an individual or a group – to new conditions.

Stages of adaptation

At the initial stage of adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the company's employees, values and rules, and the work process itself is mastered. Here, the leading role belongs to corporate ethics, according to which the management and colleagues should support the newcomer. The "newcomer" himself should be open to gaining new knowledge and ready to acclimatize in a new environment.

The second stage is integration, when a person has to decide on the area of responsibility. As a rule, at this point the new employee realizes how interesting the chosen field of activity is to him. Now – at the integration stage – formal and informal relationships are established.

We move on to the third stage, namely recognition, that is, a kind of establishment of correspondence between what is already known and what still remains a mystery: when a person is confident in his knowledge, stabilization occurs, and anxiety ceases to bother.

How to adapt to a team

To go through all the stages with fewer “losses”, it is worth remembering that mistakes are an integral part of the process – don’t be afraid to make them.

Be patient, and also try to demonstrate to your colleagues that you bring unique skills to the team, and therefore are a valuable addition to the team.

Don't doubt your abilities, be confident and take initiative.

Earlier we told you why in the USSR everyone was given exactly six hundred square meters for a summer house.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. What is adaptation?
  2. Stages of adaptation
  3. How to adapt to a team

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