unpretentious plants


Some flowers can delight you with their appearance for a week. At the same time, they are unpretentious and require only minimal care.

Olga Kotova unpretentious flowers flowers bouquet bouquet of flowers Records and anti-records 19 February 2024

Cacti are fashionable houseplants that fit perfectly into any interior and do not require serious care. But if you want them to look really good, you need to remember the simple rules for growing them.

Olga Kotova cacti indoor plants care board Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 February 2024

During the season, there are enough chores at the dacha, which is why there may simply not be enough time to care for the flowerbed.

Elena Shimanovskaya flowers flower beds flowers on a flowerbed unpretentious flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 February 2024