Not all plants require complex care, which novice gardeners often fail to cope with.
Some of them can be safely started even when you feel that you do not have enough experience and patience. They are so unpretentious that they will not require much attention from you, but at the same time will delight you with their attractive appearance for many years.
Sansevieria cylindrica
This perennial succulent plant is native to Africa. You may have come across another name for it – “African spear”.
The flower has gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness in care. Sansevieria requires watering only once every two weeks in the summer and once a month in the winter.
The best place to place it is a windowsill, but avoid direct sunlight. And finally: since succulents are often sold in a peat mixture, which is not quite suitable for them, it is recommended to transplant the plant into soil for cacti and succulents containing sand, pumice or perlite.
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Zamioculcas does not need frequent watering – it copes well with long periods of drought. This means that in the summer you can come to the Zamioculcas pot with a watering can once every two weeks, and in the winter even less – once a month.
Try to provide the plant with bright, diffused sunlight, and fertilize the soil for it 1-2 times a year.
Peperomia obtusifolia
This flower will look great on your desktop and will not mind low light for several months.
Although even in such conditions the leaves of the peperomia will remain healthy, it will still be better for it if you provide it with bright, diffused light.
Plant care also includes rare watering. The main thing is not to overdo it with water to avoid over-watering.
Epipremnum aureus
The plant requires bright, indirect light, but this does not mean that it cannot tolerate long periods of low light.
Watering should be done only after the top layer of soil has completely dried out. To maintain the moisture of the leaves, you can periodically spray them with water.
It is also recommended to wipe the leaves with a soft cloth to remove dust and to fertilize once a month during the spring and summer months.
Aglaonema will tolerate everything: both diffused sunlight and artificial lighting. It can grow even in dry air conditions - and this despite the fact that the flower likes high humidity.
Make sure that the soil in the plant pot is moist from spring to autumn, and in winter you can reduce the frequency of watering.
To stimulate growth, do not spare flowers and fruits - they can be safely cut off.