Plant and forget: what flowers decorate a flowerbed and don’t require attention – 5 worthy options

08.02.2024 16:31

During the season, there are enough chores at the dacha, which is why there may simply not be enough time to care for the flowerbed.

Nevertheless, you can create a luxurious flower garden if you plant perennials on the plot that are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, says Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, an agronomist, and a landscape designer. You will learn which ones exactly from this article.


This unpretentious plant with large inflorescences composed of small flowers can reach a height of up to 50-70 cm. It easily tolerates night frosts in spring and drought in summer. Astrantia can be planted anywhere in the garden, including partial shade and places under trees. It blooms from May-June until late autumn. This plant can grow in one place without replanting for up to 10 years.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Another unpretentious perennial looks like a spreading bush with carved leaves and panicle inflorescences of different colors and can reach a height of 15 cm to 2 m. Astilbe blooms for several months and does not require complex care. It can grow in any soil and is resistant to cold, but requires regular watering in hot weather.


Aster is a familiar flower to many, which is easy to grow in the country. There are many types and varieties of asters that bloom in spring, summer or autumn. For planting asters, it is better to choose a sunny place, protected from the wind. The plant easily tolerates frosts and does not require complex care, but for abundant flowering it must be regularly fertilized and watered.


Phloxes grow well both in partial shade and in the sun, where their flowering is more lush. Florists have access to a variety of varieties, most of which are resistant to cold and drought, grow in different soils and do not require winter shelter. The shades of phlox inflorescences vary from white to red and purple. The height of the plant can be from 20 cm to 1.5 m. There are also creeping varieties of phlox, which form a bright carpet.

Perennial carnation

This unpretentious plant blooms from June to September. Carnations are not afraid of frosts and drought, but it is important to choose a sunny place for planting with partial shade in the afternoon. The soil should be predominantly peat, and when watering, avoid over-watering.

Earlier we talked about an unusual plant that will decorate your garden with bright colors – Geissorhiza radiata .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Astrantia
  2. Astilbe
  3. Aster
  4. Phlox
  5. Perennial carnation

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