The mobile phone needs to be rebooted once a week. And that's the minimum.
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Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News army satellite 30 November 2024Does the surface of your mobile device become too hot while working? This is a very bad sign!
Kurchev Anton smartphones reasons charging a smartphone Tips for users 29 November 2024Many people put their laptop in their bag only when they need to take the device to work, school, or on a trip. Otherwise, the bag remains empty. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton laptop laptop problems dust Tips for users 28 November 2024Winter is coming soon. This period is not easy for smartphone users.
Kurchev Anton smartphones touch screen gloves Tips for users 24 November 2024Several galaxies collided at a distance of 290 million light years from our planet.
Igor Zur science space planet Media | Mass Media interesting facts 23 November 2024Do you often leave your mobile device near your laptop? Don't do it anymore!
Kurchev Anton smartphones battery laptop the rules Tips for users 22 November 2024Very often, phone owners have to wait several hours until the battery of their mobile device is charged. Of course, this is not the most pleasant experience…
Kurchev Anton smartphones battery charging a smartphone fast charging smartphone tricks 21 November 2024When holding a gadget to the right ear, a right-handed person faces a serious problem.
Kurchev Anton smartphones Tips for users telephone conversation 20 November 2024Modern mobile phones are designed to work only for 3-5 years. However, the gadget will function much longer if the owner takes good care of the device.
Kurchev Anton smartphones battery smartphone case the rules Tips for users 19 November 2024Wrap metallic paper around a pencil to make a great stylus.
Kurchev Anton smartphones foil tricks 17 November 2024At first glance, a mobile phone is only a "friend" for a person. But sometimes the gadget turns into a real enemy.
Kurchev Anton smartphones danger Tips for users devices safety rules 16 November 2024At some point, the citizen claims, the AI began to behave inappropriately, and after asking a question about the answers to the test, it even began to threaten.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Google AI | Artificial Intelligence threat People 15 November 2024Watching movies on a laptop is a good way to spend your free time. Many people combine this activity with eating. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton laptop eating food food danger Tips for users 14 November 2024Grabbing a laptop by the display can cause serious damage to the device.
Kurchev Anton laptop computer screen Tips for users 13 November 2024Many people use their mobile phones too actively. Short breaks are completely spent on replenishing the charge level.
Kurchev Anton smartphones battery charging a smartphone user errors Tips for users 12 November 2024Many people are used to watching movies on a laptop while lying in bed or sitting on it. Yes, it is convenient. But, unfortunately, it is very dangerous. Both for the device and for its owner.
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