Where to put your smartphone before going outside in winter: it turns out, not in your jacket pocket

02.12.2024 10:38

Let's imagine a situation: you are getting ready to go outside on a frosty day.

Of course, you intend to take your mobile phone with you.

Where will you put the device? In the outer pocket of your winter jacket?

Photo: © Belnovosti

At first glance, this solution is absolutely correct. It turns out to be very convenient: the gadget remains at hand, and, it would seem, acquires protection from low temperatures.

But it's not that simple. It turns out that the smartphone is "cold" in the jacket pocket.

Why You Shouldn't Put Your Phone in Your Jacket Pocket

Contrary to popular belief, placing the phone in this container does not provide 100% protection from frost.

Low temperatures continue to affect your mobile phone. Even if you keep your hand in your pocket. And even if your pocket is locked.

And cold, as we know, has a negative effect on the battery and the phone as a whole.

Where to put your smartphone before going outside

The device should be placed in a bag. This way the gadget will be completely protected from low temperatures.

Do you still want to put your smartphone in your jacket pocket? You can do it, but only if you follow one important condition: it should be an inside pocket, not an outside one.

For reference

A pocket is a bag- or envelope-like container sewn or stitched into an item of clothing for storing small items or for decorative purposes.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Why You Shouldn't Put Your Phone in Your Jacket Pocket
  2. Where to put your smartphone before going outside

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