Humanity has witnessed an extremely rare event that occurred 290 million light years from planet Earth.
We are talking about a collision of galaxies, which resulted in the formation of a powerful shock wave that could be heard on Earth.
One of the strongest shock waves resulting from a collision of galaxies has reached Earth, the journal Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society reports.

According to published data, we are talking about a collision of the galaxy NGC 7318b with four others in the Stephan's Quintet group.
The incident occurred at a distance of 290 million light years from our planet.
The echoes of this event rushed towards the Earth at a speed of 3.2 million km/h.
The sound wave resembled the noise of a jet fighter.
Describing this event, experts talk about the rarest case of witnessing something that happened for all of humanity.
The fact is that collisions of galaxies occur extremely rarely.
For reference
A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, star clusters, interstellar gas and dust, dark matter, and planets. All galactic objects are involved in motion relative to a common center of mass.