The chef told how to prepare a salad with chicken, oranges and carrots in Korean style.
Igor Zur cooking delicious recipes salads Chef's Tips Cooking 10 January 2025The chef told how to prepare an original Korean-style carrot appetizer.
Igor Zur snack recipe New Year's dishes roll recipe culinary tricks Cooking 23 December 2024The “saving” component will be Korean-style carrots.
Kurchev Anton taste cooking ideas Cooking 26 September 2024Not everyone knows what spices to choose for cooking Korean carrots.
Marina Michalap selection of spices carrot dishes Cooking 25 March 2024Preparing such a treat at home is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. At the same time, the process itself does not take much time.
Olga Kotova carrot salad recipe salad preparation Cooking 13 December 2023