Applicants must indicate not only their own income, but also the income of spouses and close relatives living together and running a common household.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarusian presidential elections candidate declaration Politics 20 November 2024The share of the population with a per capita disposable income level below the subsistence minimum has decreased by more than a third over the past five years and amounted to 3.6% last year.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News income of the population Economy 15 November 2024The figure for January-September increased by 9.4% compared to the level for the same period last year.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News Belstat | National Statistical Committee Economy 15 November 2024She drew attention to the fact that for the population the mentioned indicators are “more tangible.”
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News inflation Economy 11 November 2024Real wage growth in January-August of this year amounted to 113.2%, with a forecast of 103.9%.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News income of the population Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Society 3 October 2024According to the results of 7 months of 2024, real incomes of Belarusians increased by 9.9%
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News Ministry of Economy Economy 3 October 2024Analysts emphasize that wages are growing at a high rate in all sectors, including the public sector.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News EDB | Eurasian Development Bank Economy 30 September 2024When Durov was questioned about his income, he informed investigators that he earned only one Emirati dirham a year.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Pavel Durov earnings statement Society 26 September 2024According to analysts, real wages of Belarusians in July of this year rose by 15.4% after a June increase of 11.2%.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News EDB | Eurasian Development Bank Economy 2 September 2024You may be making a decent amount of money, but you still don't have enough money to last until your next paycheck.
Vitaly Kisterny money earnings expenses reasons Economy 15 August 2024