Income declaration procedure approved for presidential candidates in Belarus

20.11.2024 14:04

The Central Electoral Commission of Belarus has approved the procedure for declaring income and property for presidential candidates.

The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the Central Election Commission.

According to the Secretary of the Central Election Commission Elena Baldovskaya, candidates for the country's highest official post have two options for declaring their income and property:

– through a form for filling in income information (on the CEC website);
– by applying for a form directly to the Central Election Commission.

The requirements for filling out the document are set out in the approved resolution, Belta reports .

Photo: © Belnovosti

Baldovskaya drew attention to the fact that the declaration must be completed in 3 sections.

The first section contains information about income from January 1 to December 31 of the previous year.

The second section contains information about property (movable and immovable).

The third section contains other income data not included in the two previous sections.

In relation to property that belongs to the spouses on the basis of common joint ownership, it must be indicated in full, indicating the so-called title owner, the secretary said.

This means that candidates must indicate not only their own income, but also the income of spouses and close relatives living together and running a common household.

For reference

Income is monetary funds or material assets received by the state, individuals or legal entities as a result of any activity over a certain period of time.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor