The doctor explained why the problem with hair growth occurs and whether oils and masks will help solve it.
Igor Zur hair health doctor's advice mistakes hair care Beauty and health 6 August 2024Not everyone knows what to do with unnecessary hair shampoo.
Marina Michalap shampoo shampoo in everyday life tips for housewives Useful tips 22 July 2024Not everyone knows what can be added to shampoo to significantly improve its quality.
Marina Michalap improve shampoo healthy hair Beauty and health 22 July 2024Not everyone knows why some housewives add soda to shampoo.
Marina Michalap improve shampoo using soda Useful tips 8 June 2024Not everyone knows why some housewives add soda to shampoo.
Marina Michalap improve shampoo using soda hair care Useful tips 26 May 2024Not everyone knows how to use shampoo in everyday life.
Marina Michalap shampoo in everyday life washing tips for housewives Useful tips 30 March 2024Not everyone knows how to enhance the composition of cheap shampoo.
Marina Michalap improve shampoo beautiful hair Beauty and health 27 February 2024Hair becomes oily due to the natural oil secreted by the skin - how to deal with it.
Igor Zur oily hair hair care useful tips and life hacks mistakes Beauty and health 25 February 2024Why hair quickly becomes oily and how to deal with it - reasons and methods.
Igor Zur hair care oily hair life hacks with vinegar useful tips and life hacks Beauty and health 17 February 2024Not everyone knows how to use unnecessary shampoo in everyday life.
Marina Michalap using shampoo shampoo in everyday life tips for housewives Useful tips 7 January 2024It is believed that washing your hair too often can damage your hair as it can become excessively dry.
Dmitry Liskovich hair shampoo shower how to wash hair Useful tips 19 December 2023