When should you put plant seeds in the refrigerator and how long can you store them there?
Igor Zur advice for summer residents seedlings at home ornamental plants seed material Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 December 2024Florists have been given names of flowers that can be planted in April in the ground or as seedlings - they will bloom until the cold weather sets in.
Igor Zur what flowers to plant tips for flower growers flower seedlings country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 April 2024Why daisies need to be sown for seedlings in January and how to do it correctly.
Igor Zur flower bed advice for summer residents growing plants sowing Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 January 2024Three ornamental plants whose seeds must be sown for seedlings in January.
Igor Zur flowers at the dacha seedling conditions advice for summer residents flower care Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2024January is the perfect time to pay attention to flowers and start sowing some of them for seedlings.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 January 2024Before planting, seeds require care and adherence to rules that will allow the flowers to become healthier and stronger.
Dmitry Liskovich seeds plants flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2023