Even expensive linoleum may contain hidden harmful impurities.
Igor Zur apartment renovation harmful substances finishing materials safety Design and interior 14 February 2025Juniper is not just a plant that gives a sophisticated look to the garden.
Valeria Kisternaya juniper advice for summer residents health Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 February 2025The designer told how to effectively design paths on a summer cottage plot - planning, materials and decoration.
Igor Zur Designer's tips landscape design garden paths material Design and interior 26 November 2024Not everyone knows which cities are the cleanest from an ecological point of view.
Marina Michalap records health Records and anti-records 28 August 2024Copenhagen has been recognized as the cleanest city on Earth.
Igor Zur Europe cities rating Europe News Records and anti-records 25 March 2024The designer named fashionable and popular materials for the kitchen - environmentally friendly, aesthetic and durable.
Igor Zur kitchen in the apartment kitchen interior Designer's tips quality Design and interior 29 January 2024The designer advises paying attention to technological innovations and eco-friendly materials this year.
Igor Zur interior in the apartment technologies and methods Designer's tips design improvement Design and interior 3 January 2024Not everyone knows about the interesting records associated with electricity.
Marina Michalap interesting records electricity Records and anti-records 30 November 2023If you want to make cleaning as environmentally friendly as possible, then you should pay attention to four effective products.
Marina Michalap board life hacks cleaning the apartment hostess Useful tips 20 September 2023Despite the fact that the modern way of life causes colossal damage to the environment, some cities manage to remain as environmentally friendly as possible.
Marina Michalap science records cleanliness Records and anti-records 1 August 2023If you want to do your part to help preserve the environment, here are six eco-friendly habits to consider.
Marina Michalap records science board habits Records and anti-records 24 July 2023This aromatic and invigorating drink is loved by many. Some cannot even imagine their day without a cup of coffee, which gives a boost of energy in the morning and during the working day.
Olga Kotova coffee drink harm health Beauty and health 7 February 2023