Experienced gardeners, unlike beginners, know that buying a ready-made mixture for seedlings or preparing it yourself is not enough.
Elena Shimanovskaya soil soil for seedlings seedling advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2025Not all gardeners know how to disinfect the soil at the end of the season.
Marina Michalap soil cultivation dacha in autumn advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 October 2024Not everyone knows how to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse at the end of the season.
Marina Michalap greenhouse in autumn advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 September 2024Not everyone knows how to properly treat the soil with potassium permanganate and copper sulfate.
Marina Michalap soil cultivation use of potassium permanganate Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 September 2024Not everyone knows how to disinfect the soil after harvesting tomatoes using ordinary film.
Marina Michalap soil advice for summer residents tomatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 September 2024With the arrival of spring, many summer residents begin to study the issue of soil cultivation.
Elena Shimanovskaya spring garden citric acid soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 March 2024Not everyone knows about the simple method that can be used to effectively disinfect soil for seedlings.
Marina Michalap seedlings at home soil for seedlings use of potassium permanganate Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2024