A diet that promises to shed a dozen or so extra kilos is a road to nowhere. The kilos will return as soon as the person stops following the diet.
But does this mean that you can lose weight and burn calories only through diet and exercise?
The publication “ Doctor Peter ” reports on how to maintain your weight without diets and regular exercise, citing American nutritionist James Hill.

Small activities
You can burn calories not only during your workouts in the gym. It is enough to stick to even a small activity.
Walking instead of using public transport or a car will help. It is enough to walk for 30 minutes, but every day.
The next available technique is walking up the stairs, which greatly stimulates blood circulation.
Another simple trick is to walk from corner to corner of the room while talking on the phone.
Eating habits
To begin with, you need to exclude harmful side dishes from your diet (French fries, for example), and instead eat boiled or fresh vegetables.
It is extremely important to avoid drinks containing sugar, as well as sweet desserts and milk chocolate.
The next point is to exclude alcohol (including beer and cocktails).
As for coffee, if you have weight problems, it is better to drink it without milk and syrups.
And the last diet trick is to cook food in a small frying pan. Even if you need to heat something up, you will need less vegetable oil than for a large frying pan.