Absurd weight loss myths busted: lots of people still believe them

24.05.2024 17:47

The topic of proper nutrition and weight loss is fertile ground for speculation and real myths.

But the information that is conveyed on a regular basis reaches people who dream of losing weight so convincingly that people continue to believe in it to this day.

Experts have collected and assessed four common unscientific methods for fighting excess weight.

The worst thing is that not all of them fall into the “useless” category – they can even damage your health.


There is an opinion that by wrapping yourself in cling film, you can more effectively fight fat deposits and extra pounds.

Weight loss
Photo: Pixabay

In fact, this is exactly the case when low efficiency is accompanied by a health threat.


Fasting, as well as various extreme diets, the effectiveness of which has not been scientifically proven, will also not lead to anything good.

They seriously affect your health and are ineffective in the long term – the excess weight returns.

Slimming cocktails

Not only special cocktails, but also teas or losing weight with coffee and so on without physical exercise and a selected diet do not work.

Refusal of diet

Another way to waste time is to exhaust yourself with physical exertion and long workouts.

Ideally, physical activity should be combined with a diet that provides a balanced diet.

Previously, we talked about which foods are guaranteed to cause excess weight .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Wrapping
  2. Starvation
  3. Slimming cocktails
  4. Refusal of diet