Eating one specific food product is called a mono-diet. For example, those losing weight are offered to give up other food products in favor of cereals or vegetables.
The diet is followed for a long time and many manage to lose weight. But it is not that simple, experts warn.
Availability of a mono-diet
In fact, this is an effective way to lose weight, experts say. The diet is quite simple and accessible to everyone. No need to count calories or make other calculations.

The dangers of a mono-diet
A poor diet leads to a lack of vitamins and nutrients, which ultimately worsens well-being.
Even if you choose a protein diet and eat meat, eggs or cottage cheese, a lack of fiber will cause gastrointestinal problems.
And if you eat only fruits and vegetables, you cannot avoid a lack of B vitamins, calcium and iron.
In addition, a mono-diet is an unbalanced diet, a decrease in muscle mass, a general deterioration in well-being and digestive disorders.
But the saddest thing that befalls supporters of a mono-diet is the return of their previous weight after completing the course, and sometimes even extra pounds.
In fact, you can lose weight on a mono-diet, but after returning to your normal lifestyle, no one guarantees that the results will be preserved.
But it won’t be possible to stick to a mono-diet all the time because of the health risks.
Earlier we told you what to eat cottage cheese with so that it is 100% absorbed.