After finishing the diet, those losing weight often face weight gain. Sometimes it happens that after losing weight, a person gains even more extra pounds than he weighed at the beginning of the diet.
But this happens because of improper nutrition. For this case, the reverse diet was invented.
Experts told how to eat properly after completing the diet course.
Nutrition rules
You need to gradually return to your normal calorie intake. You need to do this methodically, increasing your daily calorie intake by 50-100 kcal every week.
The duration of the reverse diet depends on the number of calories that need to be replenished. The course can last from 4 to 10 weeks.
Science and results
It should be noted right away that no scientific studies have been conducted on this diet, or not much is known about them.
It is believed that the course allows the body to adapt to the usual way of life after a diet, activates metabolism, and does not lead to the accumulation of fat deposits.
But it is believed that this also increases the tendency to spontaneous snacking.
What can you eat?
The main thing is to count the calories consumed, so there are no restrictions in the diet.
However, there is a high risk of stress, and following a reverse diet is not as easy as it seems.
But it is important to remember that there is no scientific data confirming the effectiveness of this diet.
Earlier we told you how many eggs you can eat per day .