People who try to follow healthy eating habits often make mistakes due to the large amount of information available.
In this article, we will list the most common “mistakes” that contradict the principles of healthy eating.
Take dietary supplements
You shouldn't consider dietary supplements as part of a healthy lifestyle. Before buying another jar of colorful pills, you should consult a doctor and get tested.
In most cases, a varied diet is enough to get all the vitamins and minerals.
Forcing myself to have breakfast
If you are not used to eating in the morning and force yourself to have breakfast just because “you have to”, you should not do it.
Instead, focus on other meals.
Give up unhealthy foods
There are no food products that cause weight gain - you can't gain weight from bread, chocolate, rice or bananas.
Fat deposits are the result of overeating in general and low physical activity.
Earlier we talked about what is healthier to eat : boiled or fried eggs.