During the winter holidays, many people overeat. This has a negative impact on their well-being and can also lead to gaining extra pounds.
But to avoid such problems, you need to think about your diet in advance.
Gastroenterologist Sergei Vyalov spoke about simple rules of nutrition during the holidays.

The publication NEWS.ru writes about this in more detail.
As the specialist noted, one should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
Salads are best dressed with olive oil or yogurt.
The specialist also added during a conversation with journalists that increased consumption of water, low-fat dairy products and natural juices without sugar will also help to replenish the body's need for vitamins and minerals.
It is better to avoid fatty and fried foods.
Such dishes should be replaced with boiled, baked or stewed ones.
In addition, you can cook delicious dishes using steam.
Previously, we talked about which foods should be excluded from the diet after 50 years.