How to Lose Weight Fast on a Banana Diet: Minus 3 kg in 3 Days

05.11.2023 13:05

The banana diet is finding more and more healthy eating followers every day. It was developed for athletes and actors who need to quickly lose weight.

It turns out that with the help of an exotic fruit that is already familiar to us, you can say goodbye to 3 kg in three days. How is this possible, because bananas are considered high-calorie products.

Selecting Bananas

Any bananas will not do. Our stores sell ripe fruits that contain a lot of sugar and starchy substances.

For this diet, you will have to look for special varieties that come from Japan or Asia.

They have a lower starch content. If you can't find such varieties, as a last resort, you can buy unripe fruits with green skin.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Let them ripen, wrapped in paper. Then the starch will be easier for the body to digest.

Is the banana diet harmful?

Any mono-diet, including banana, always raises concerns among doctors and requires following recommendations. Banana is a unique fruit. For example, if you eat just one piece, the body will receive the dose of vitamin C that a person needs per day.

Bananas contain almost no fat, which has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Banana pulp has a beneficial effect on the esophagus, enhancing the work of the stomach, thereby protecting it from the aggressive and harmful effects of hydrochloric acid. Doctors recommend this diet to people with gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, and kidney diseases.

How does the banana diet work

It is believed that if you start your morning with a banana for breakfast, you can lose weight in any case, regardless of the foods you eat throughout the rest of the day.

But for the diet to work 100%, you need to eat only bananas for three days. The body is cleansed due to the diuretic effect.

During the diet, it is important not to violate the rules of separate and fractional nutrition. It is recommended to divide the products into several meals and eat them in portions every three hours. It is important not to feel overeating. If you feel hungry, eat a banana.

It is allowed to drink kefir or milk, green tea - preferably without sugar. Clean water is a must.

As with any other diet, you need to have a fasting day first. This will help the body feel better during the banana diet.

You need to give up or strictly limit the consumption of high-calorie foods: pickles, lard, fried foods. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during the diet itself.

Banana Diet Rules

The classic version of the diet lasts 3 days. It is more rigid, but the weight loss process is faster. It is allowed to eat no more than 3 fruits per day and drink only 3 glasses of milk. It is better to eat products separately, and for variety, make smoothies and drink them as a cocktail.

Another type of exotic diet, which is designed for 7 days, will help you lose about 5 extra kilograms.

The daily volume of bananas increases to one and a half kilograms. Water and green tea are not limited.

All diets, including the banana diet, have several negative aspects.

Perhaps after a few days of eating the fruit, you will not be able to look at it for a long time. If after leaving the diet, you suddenly return to active consumption of the products you missed so much, the weight will definitely return again.

During the banana diet, the intestines are cleansed of toxins, the skin becomes smooth, and a blush appears (especially noticeable for those who had problems with their skin).

If you are not ready for the banana mono-diet yet, choose an easier option.

The principle is the same: you need to eat bananas, but not in their pure form, but as the main ingredient in a dish. For example, banana curd or banana pancakes.

Banana diet is a new way to lose weight. Try it – maybe it’s exactly what you were looking for.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Selecting Bananas
  2. Is the banana diet harmful?
  3. How does the banana diet work
  4. Banana Diet Rules