A proper fasting day involves giving up hard-to-digest foods and switching to a diet that is easily digestible.
The calorie content of meals during this period should be approximately 500 calories lower than usual.
The duration of the fast is 24 hours. All food should be divided into 4-5 meals - try to make them uniform.
Below you will find 5 options for conducting a fasting day. You can choose any one - to your taste.
Apple day
During this fasting day, you are allowed to eat only apples – without fanaticism, up to 1.5 kg. You can eat them fresh, bake them or eat soaked fruits. You do not need to peel them, as they contain useful fiber.
Cucumber day
This option is one of the most extreme and involves eating 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers during the day. You are allowed to sprinkle the vegetables with olive oil and add fresh herbs to them. Salt and sauces are prohibited.
Salad day
This option is more suitable for summer and includes 1.2-1.5 kg of various raw vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, carrots and lettuce. To make it more delicious, add a little vegetable oil or sour cream.
Meat day
Meat fasting day consists of 300 g of boiled meat. For a side dish, prepare vegetables for yourself, the main one being cabbage.
Fish day
If you choose this option, you can eat 300 g of boiled fish per day. Give preference to dietary white varieties: perch, cod, pike, pollock or hake.