Is your favorite frying pan covered in red stains? Don't rush to say goodbye to it.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying pan rust removal rust washing dishes Useful tips 23 February 2025The debate about which frying pan is best will probably never end.
Elena Shimanovskaya a vessel frying pan washing dishes cleaning the frying pan Useful tips 5 February 2025Our mothers and grandmothers already had cast iron frying pans in their “arsenal”.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying pan washing washing dishes life hacks Useful tips 29 October 2024Cast iron pans are so strong and durable that they can safely be called “indestructible”.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying pan a vessel washing dishes how to clean a frying pan Useful tips 7 September 2024Not everyone knows what dishes are best not to cook in a cast iron skillet.
Marina Michalap culinary mistakes tips for housewives Cooking 3 August 2024Not everyone knows how baking soda and salt can help remove rust from a cast iron frying pan.
Marina Michalap rust using soda use of salt Useful tips 18 June 2024Here are some tips to help prevent food from sticking to the pan while frying.
Igor Zur non-stick frying pan tips for housewives household tricks home tricks Useful tips 25 May 2024If you find rusty spots on the surface of your favorite cast iron skillet, don't despair.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying pan soda washing dishes Useful tips 13 March 2024