How does vzvar differ from compote and how to prepare it

07.12.2024 11:04

Compotes and fruit drinks are the main drinks that nutritionists recommend drinking during the autumn-winter period.

This is a wonderful alternative to tea, not inferior in vitamins and nutrients. There is another ancient drink called vzvar or uzvar.

We will tell you how it differs from regular compote and how to prepare it.

Benefits of the decoction

The infusion is prepared from dried fruits, fruits or berries. Dried apricots, raisins and prunes are most often used.

Dried apricots saturate the body with potassium, vitamins A, C and E, which makes the drink useful for the nervous and circulatory systems.

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Photo: © Belnovosti

Prunes are rich in iron, manganese, vitamins A, B6, C, K, and also contain potassium and fiber, which makes the infusion useful for the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes blood glucose levels.

Raisins are rich in antioxidants, contain iron and potassium, boron, support bone health, promote wound healing and brain health.

The drink has virtually no contraindications, but before consuming it, it is better to consult a doctor if you have allergies or gastrointestinal diseases.

How to cook

To prepare a vitamin drink, you need to take into account the proportions of water and fruit (1:3).

The infusion is not boiled, but the water is simply brought to a boil, turned off, or the ingredients are simply poured with hot water.

After this, cover the pan and let the brew sit in a warm place for 6 hours, then strain.
Spices and honey are added after the water has cooled to 40 degrees Celsius.

The brew is considered healthier than regular compote, since the fruits and berries undergo minimal heat treatment, which allows preserving the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Benefits of the decoction
  2. How to cook