Why fish should definitely be in your diet: it is good for the whole body

29.06.2024 16:20

Any diet approved by science includes fish in the list of food products. Fish is strongly recommended for children, adults and the elderly.

But what is so useful about it, apart from phosphorus and vitamin D, that the product is causing such a stir?

Experts have listed the beneficial properties of fish.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Brain health

Sea fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, a deficiency of which causes memory problems and cognitive impairment.

Heart Health

Fish is a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, which has been proven by American cardiologists. Regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, reduces inflammation, and normalizes blood pressure.

Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce “bad” cholesterol.

Mental health

In addition to keeping the brain young, fish prevents the development of depression. Fish oil acts as an antidepressant.

Vitamin D

Of course, fish is the main source of vitamin D. Without it, calcium absorption becomes difficult, which can lead to bone health problems. This same vitamin is essential for the muscular system, immunity, metabolism, and even improves sleep.

Skin health

Eating fish helps fight acne. This is something that patients with moderate to severe acne are advised to pay attention to.

Disease prevention

Regular consumption of oily fish protects against type 1 diabetes and strengthens the immune system, as well as reduces the risk of cancer and improves liver health.

Earlier we talked about whether there is any point in eye exercises .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Brain health
  2. Heart Health
  3. Mental health
  4. Skin health
  5. Disease prevention

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