When else but in spring can we talk about beauty, healthy lifestyle and habits that guarantee longevity?
Much in this regard depends on nutrition. That is why it is so important to include in your diet products that will work for your health.
Proper nutrition is not only about giving up unhealthy food, but also about filling the resulting niche with exclusively healthy products.
Experts recommend including the following 5 foods in your diet and consuming them regularly.
Due to the antioxidant content, mushrooms help fight toxins. With regular use, damaged cells are restored, which helps prevent rapid aging of the body.
And the polyamines contained in mushrooms strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
Olive oil
This product is rich in unsaturated and easily digestible fats, vitamins A, E, D and antioxidants.
This composition makes the oil effective in the fight against cancer cells.
Fresh herbs
Mainly leafy greens like parsley, arugula, lettuce, etc.
It contains many vitamins, essential oils and other useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as for healthy skin.
Fresh forest and garden berries are rich in vitamins and microelements that fight cell damage.
It contains 20 vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of avocado normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body's systems.
Earlier we talked about how to ventilate a room to avoid getting sick.