Everyone has known for a long time that proper nutrition is the key to health and normal weight.
It must be balanced so that the body receives all the important vitamins and microelements.
But some people who are losing weight may forget about this in pursuit of results.

As a result, they start starving themselves to lose weight faster. This is a big mistake, and its consequences can seriously affect health.
Nutritionist Olga Matveeva spoke in more detail about what awaits a person who has been malnourished for a long time, Pravda.Ru reports.
As the doctor noted, the weight will indeed go away, but it is important to remember that we are talking about muscles.
In addition, the immune system will suffer, and it will become more difficult to fight viruses.
There will also be a serious vitamin deficiency, which can affect your appearance. Vitamin D deficiency is especially dangerous, as it will increase the risk of bone fractures.
Matveeva added that psychological problems may begin to bother people, and eating behavior may also be disrupted due to malnutrition.