The wireworm, the larva of the click beetle, acts as a saboteur: it penetrates the soil unnoticed and turns the roots of tomatoes into dust in 72 hours.
Elena Shimanovskaya wireworm control wireworm on the site wireworm protection wireworm remedies Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 February 2025Wireworm is the larva of the click beetle, which is a serious threat to gardeners.
Valeria Kisternaya harvest advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2025Wireworms are perceived by owners of country houses as real enemies.
Kurchev Anton wireworm control the all-rounder advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 November 2024Click beetle larvae pose a huge danger to many garden crops.
Kurchev Anton wireworm control green manure siderate bitters phacelia Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 November 2024Wireworms pose a serious threat to garden crops, capable of destroying a significant portion of the harvest.
Sergey Tumanov wireworm control marigold advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 October 2024At the beginning of autumn, many summer residents are busy harvesting potatoes. Now is the time to learn about an important procedure that should be performed after the tubers are harvested.
Kurchev Anton pests wireworm control advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 September 2024Not all summer residents know about the free remedy that will help deal with wireworms.
Marina Michalap wireworm control wireworm remedies pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 May 2024Potatoes, carrots, radishes, strawberries, grapes, and corn often suffer from wireworms.
Kurchev Anton pest control potatoes advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 May 2024If wireworms appear on your plot, you need to take immediate action, otherwise you may lose your root crop.
Timur Khomichev wireworm remedies wireworm control wireworm on the site pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 May 2024Twice a year, in spring and autumn, it is necessary to dig up the soil to the depth of a shovel blade.
Timur Khomichev wireworm control wireworm remedies pests pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 May 2024