We forget that if something is accepted by the majority, it is not always right.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news words mistakes the rules People and Events 26 December 2024Many cooks and gourmets have heard the word “piala” more than once.
Kurchev Anton Russian language a vessel words interesting facts People and Events 24 November 2024In the Russian language there is a unique word whose meaning depends on the stress.
Timur Khomichev word words meaning of words Russian language People and Events 1 September 2024If you put the wrong emphasis on one of the syllables of a word, you can get into trouble and be considered illiterate.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Russian language word meaning People and Events 27 May 2024This word, denoting an object of worship, came into the Russian language from French.
Timur Khomichev Russian language word words People and Events 18 April 2024This word is one of the most frequently used in the Russian language.
Timur Khomichev Russian language word words mistakes People and Events 14 April 2024