A TV with the screen turned off “eats” up to 20 watts per hour, according to various sources. Calculate how much this will be per day, month and year.
Igor Zur tips for housewives household appliances Electricity utility bills Useful tips 19 February 2025With the help of three tricks you can reduce your electricity costs.
Marina Michalap energy saving saving tips for housewives Useful tips 1 August 2024Saving energy can lead to cost savings, but there are some rules you need to follow to do so.
Dmitry Liskovich Electricity electricity saving energy saving Useful tips 26 January 2024Turn off these appliances to reduce electricity consumption and save on utility bills.
Igor Zur electricity household appliances gadgets smartphone charger Useful tips 31 December 2023Cooking is done every day, and it is not surprising that this procedure consumes a lot of electricity.
Dmitry Liskovich cooking food Electricity energy saving Useful tips 25 December 2023Saving electricity is very important for a modern person who wants to save his money.
Dmitry Liskovich washing board Electricity energy saving Useful tips 21 December 2023For some residents of our country, the electricity bill is a fairly large expense item.
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